Well, life will be back to 'normal' for a few days. I don't think I know what 'normal' is anymore. Life is so different, these days. But, it will be even MORE different after next week. Here's a rundown since my last post...
I headed to Willcox Wednesday, after I got some AVON delivered and errands done. I had to stop at a garage on my way out of town...low tire. It read 10 pounds when they checked it; it ended up having a nail in it! ack!!! I got to mom's at 6:00 on the nose. We visited awhile and went to Taco Bell for a crunchy taco she'd been craving. We evaluated the whole eating experience, since my parents had owned/operated an El Taco for 20 years--way before there ever was a Taco Bell! Service, cleaniness and foo prep/serving is sucky nowadays....I prefer to buy what I want at the grocery store and cook for my family most of the time. I know I am too picky, but, just take a good look around...it's kinda dangerous to eat out anymore.
My brother's eye surgery went well. Jeffrey's phone was messed up and he missed connections with my brother....but, all was well. My brother has been used to driving and working with one eye for over 6 months, anyway! He went to work for several hours after he got home! WOW! What a guy! We sat up and visited a bit when he got in. We had mom's goulash and I made a strawberry pie (thinking Jeffrey would be there for his favorite pie...too bad for him! *wink*).
Friday, I drove Mom to her 9 a.m. Dr. appointment in Tucson. The Dr. seemed OK--my brother thinks he's very arrogant--he's done surgery on her 2 other times, also. They keep calling it a 'big' surgery and that scares the hell out of me. 15% possiblility of something bad happening, she'll be 77 on her birthday while she's in the hospital, 5-7 hours in surgery and 5-10 days in the hospital. I'm trying not to, but, I'm WORRIED....
We had troubles hooking up with Jeffrey again, so, we went to eat at the TTT Truck Stop and he finally called as we were just about to leave. He had to call his phone service to get things straightened out with his new $400 phone. I couldn't wait around for 4 hours with mom waiting for them to get to Tucson, so, we left for home. We did end up having to go back later that afternoon and met him in Benson about 35 minutes from Mom's. So, we got home about 6 and BBQ'ed steaks and visited the evening away. Saturday, was a lazy day. Mom and I took Jeffrey for lunch at the winery. The service was horrible!!! Even my mom complained---right to the lady. If it had been my first time, I wouldn't have went back, and I told them that. We drank enough wine to put a smile on our face when we left, tho. *GRIN* My brother had to work all weekend, so, we took Jeffrey to his office and visited. After dinner, a friend of Jeffrey's, from home, came to visit him at my moms. We took them out to the CattleRest Bar. They had a dance (what a joke) and the boys played pool all evening. Pretty boring evening, if you'd ask me! HA! I'm so old, I would have rather been at home in bed!
We pretty much hung around the house Sunday. Jeffrey's buddy ended up staying until after supper Sunday. They had a great visit. Jeffrey got a text message from him as he was leaving town saying he had a great time and that Jeffrey's family was awesome! LOL Yeah, we had our share of laughs for sure! Got to be sure and wear depends when you are around us! hehehee That night the 4 of us sat out on the patio and laughed all night! I started asking Mom all kinds of questions from earlier life and we were rolling....ahhhhh, what fun!
Jeffrey and I left for home about 11 on Monday. He drove...why oh why didn't I remember to take Valerian Root first??? UGH We got stopped several times for road construction, so, we ended up getting home about 4. We BBQ'ed steaks with Dad that night. yummy! I worked Tuesday afternoon, but, got to visit a bit with Jeffrey before I left. Worked Wednesday morning, then, when hubby got home, we drove an hour away to have supper with #1 son in his work town. It was a nice visit. I like to sit in out the boys conversations....LOL Thursday, I had the day off, but, did have to go in from 6-9, while they had a card-making class. I worked Friday...Jeffrey was suffering a pretty bad hangover (went out and shot pool -- came in 4th -- with his dad and ran into a bunch of old friends). He was trying to recover fast, because he and his dad and the kid that had came to Willcox to visit were going out on the 4-wheelers! HA! Poor kid! I didn't get to say goodbye to him when his dad drove him 1/2 way to Phoenix to meet his buddy from Phoenix that was picking him up. It might be just as well. I don't like goodbyes, plus, being at work....not a good mix, but, still....Hubby got home at 9:30 p.m. I had been running #1 son all over after work, so, he could get all his stuff done for getting his truck running and banking and license stuff.
Today, hubby took #1 son to Show Low for a class he has to take. They were up and out the door at 6:25...so, here I am at the 'puter. I look around the house and you'd never know Jeffrey was here....he didn't forget anything! HA! I miss the brat, tho. I think he did have some good 'down time', and he REALLY needed it. I know he has people from every direction giving him advice and pointers and suggestions about what he should/could do. Hopefully, he'll feel better about having so many options and that things will come to him for the direction to start out in.
I'm working til 5 today. I've got tons of things to get done/organized. Mom found out her surgery will be on the 23. I told her I would make sure she gets to the hospital (has to be there at 10:30/surgery at 1:30) and stay with her. My brothers are working, don't know what they will be planning. The last time I was with her through surgery stuff, I was with her for 5 weeks....that was 5 years ago. The good thing is, I kinda know what to expect...the bad thing is, I kinda know what to expect...
Lord, I need grace to make it...
count your blessings...