Saturday, October 11, 2008


This is the sweet chocolate cake I made for hubby's birthday on the 5th...believe me, it tastes better than it looked! HA! I've been making this cake for his birthday for about 30 years...not each year, tho. Lots of memories of this cake! HA! 'old hippie days' ....'nuff said!

Wow! What a day we've had! I woke to rain just COMING DOWN!!! The kind that is so hard it comes straight down. It's been rainy off and on all unusual...and when it does rain, it's that same, persisent downpour! WooHoo!When it's not raining, it's WINDY!!!! The weather man said 70-80mpg, but, I think it's gusting more to about 50 or so. We have more wind around here, than anything...and, I HATE it!
I think I'm too tired to be getting too excited about the trip yet. I've busted my butt all day long today. I'm wondering if I'm just a terrible housewife... I think I just try to do it all in one day! UGH. I'll have to try and work on that when I get home. Avon is taking such a big chunk of my time, but, I make some decent money with it, so, I'll just have to evaluate things and get a plan.
I am going to pick mom up tomorrow, so, I think the excitement will start to build once we get together! I wish I had someone else to go get her, tho. I could think of a ton of things to go with that 4 starting to pack! LOL I have 'piles' tho, so, it won't take too long once, I get started with it.
I better get off here and get my shower, I want to watch a movie on HBO at 8...Atonement. Hope I don't go to sleep.
count your blessings...

Sunday, October 5, 2008


  1. Insight :: Future

  2. Irksome :: Aggravating

  3. Maybe :: Ummmmm

  4. Confirmation :: 5th grade

  5. Bib :: Drool

  6. Stop! :: Look

  7. Lobster :: Butter

  8. Boys :: Underwear *HA! Top that! First thought---

  9. Fire away :: Shoot

  10. Give up :: Quit

count your blessings... SherryBee

Is it Fall??

Well, I've been on the GO GO GO again! So, here's an update.
Wednesday, I had an Avon meeting in Show Low, 50 miles west of here, at 10 a.m. On my drive over I saw something that makes me wonder if it will become a sign of these rough economic times.....I saw 3 hitchhikers (all heading east)on that lil bit of a drive! The second bearded, rough-looking guy gave me a peace sign--HA! When is the last time someone threw you a peace sign??? LOL I loved it and prayed for him!
After the meeting, I met my new friend, Ruthie, for lunch at a restaurant that I'd never been before. It was fun! I had a Monte Crisco sandwich--never heard of it, but, Ruthie had one before, so, I tried it. It was pretty good, but, I kept thinking how I would NEVER shrink my belly before the trip to Iowa this way! It's a sandwich with ham and turkey or chicken, then dipped in egg and fried like French toast and served with blueberry sauce for a dip. Yummy! After our nice, relaxing lunch, we went to a new scrapbook store called Embellish. It was a neat store, decorated very old, victorian and they had alot of things I've never seen before. I grabbed the last Paper Purses and Totes pad of punch-out items! I LOVE IT! I also got a cute set of purse embellishments. I LOVE to give little gifts, so, these will be PERFECT!
Ruthie and I parted and I went on to do my shopping....had to hit BIG LOTS for a little bit of yarn! LOL, you never have enough, right? Went on to Penney's and found some shoes and pants and FIVE great new tops...all on sale PLUS 15% off. Actually, I should have just shopped in my closet! Oh well...
I didn't get home until 7:30 that night! WHEW! AND, I had a lil bowl of cereal for supper! hehehee
Thursday, I had to be to the lil rent house at 9 for the carpet guy to come in. We know each other, and have mutual friends from back in my hubby's rodeo days, so, we talked and reminisced for 1/2 an hour then, while he cleaned the carpet, I tackled more of the kitchen cupboards and part of the stove--for 2 hours. The carpet turned out great! I was surprised, actually. MIL was so incontinent, I had my doubts.
Friday, hubby worked 8 hours of overtime, so, I just delivered a bit of AVON and did errands and odd jobs around the house. #1 son is home again, kinda-sorta, and I just couldn't focus too well on my daily stuff. Plus, the fact that I had been so undecided about going to Willcox for Rex Allen Days. I REALLY wanted to go this year, because they were having a sort of a school reunion. *I hate it when I can't make up my mind* I knew if I did go, it would cause me to be so behind and overwhelmed when I got home with all the things I'd need to do to get ready for or train trip and being gone for 2 1/2 weeks. I put a turkey breast in the oven for supper and it was so yummy...comfort food...I also made a great little lemon dessert.
Saturday, it was a dreary, overcast sort of day...not typical around here, so, in the mood I was already in, it was a 'weird' day. I spent way too much time on the puter, messing with my music playlist. Hubby spent most of his 'day off' over at the lil house weed-eating the weeds (they were almost 3 feet tall) in the back yard and hauling them off in the truck. He also cleaned the windows where they roll open...I teased him about that! I left them, figuring if they bothered the renter she could clean them, but, hubby is so anal, he wouldn't have been able to sleep knowing they were like that! HA! Since Sunday is hubby's birthday, we went out for supper at the steakhouse. (The lights went out as we were getting ready...but, not on that side of town, thank goodness!) We THOUGHT we would have a nice steak dinner, but, their prices were a bit over-the-top for our budget, so, he had a big burger and I was very adventurous! (Usually, I always order something I've had before, because I'm so picky/finicky about what I eat in a restaurant.) I had the nightly special of Pecan-crusted Trout, with baked potato, a lil loaf of bread--wheat on one end, white on the other, and a cup of green chile stew. I was pretty proud of myself! Two different restaurant meals in one week! WooHoo, how's that for stepping outta-my-box!? When we got home, hubby went to bed, since his workweek starts on Sundays for the time being, so, I did my usual blog-hopping....I LOVE THAT!
I found The Vintage Housewife in my hopping...I had a great time there. Go visit her.

Hope you have a great day!
count your blessings...