Wednesday, September 5, 2007

a new beginning.....

Well, today, I am feeling a bit better about the whole MIL far as the financial end of it goes. I had a telephone applicaton/interview this morning and got a new (#3) claim started for her. This one *hopefully* will do the trick. I felt much more confident and at ease after the 1 1/2 hour call. I got alot of information. And, I guess, at this point, it doesn't matter that she was denied the first 2 times. It's all a wash, anyway. I got a packet of papers copied and mailed to them for all the sale and money spent issues, too. So, I can breath.....for a little while. I've decided not to take any phone calls from the sister, for awhile. If it's important, she can call hubby. I just need to sit back and get my head *and heart* right about all of this again. bleck!

Yesterday was a busy day. Hubby has been off and won't be back to work until Friday--yikes, the paycheck next week is gonna suck, and, we've been spending SO much money!
~~~I got out early and delivered a bunch of Avon orders and did the mail and post office thing. Then, I followed hubby as he drove 'Fred' over to the next town to get the license put in our names---he's official now. Then, we drove another 44 miles to take Fred to the transmission shop. I guess we've lived in a slow, little area for too long---we had to make an appointment for the 18th!!! WHAT?!? We drove 2 vehicles for nothing! Maybe hubby will learn to call ahead next time. We had to get 2 new batteries at Walmart, so, naturally, I HAD to shop! Boy! I tried! But, all I ended up with was a new toothbrush, some upper reflux medicine and this KEY-ute BEE material!!!!
I absolutely HAD to have some! I have NO idea what I'm going to make with it. I have been wanting to find a vintage apron pattern, so, if anyone reading this has a good site for those, PUL-LEASE send it on to me! I've been wanting to redo my kitchen, too, so, since the lady at Walmart told me they would be keeping that particular pattern in stock *as long as they keep their craft section*, I may make some things for the kitchen and do a BEE theme. I got a FREE Kitchen Aid mixer (in black) from AVON for my cycle sales a few months ago, so, maybe I can do black accents.
The Halloween fabric, I got the time before at Walmart. I dug out some t-shirts I had buried in my craft room and will make some t-shirts up with those ironed on, and try to sell. I might make some cards with the fabric squares, too. I love this type patterned material. I did Christmas cards 2 years in a row, using ironed on material squares. While I was in the craft room, I had also 'found' these little fabric circles I had cut out for yo-yo's a couple of years ago. I just saw the cutest pattern online for making heart-shaped yo-yo's....I hope I saved that link!
When we left Walmart, last night, hubby took me to my favorite Mexican food restaurant for supper. I was bummed that I had to drive the little car home, cause I sure did want some Margaritas! LOL
Hubby will be getting up early (ha! He never sleeps in anyway, even on his days off!) to go to Phoenix tomorrow. He's located a welder, so, he's decided to forgo getting the transmission fixed for now, so, he can get that truck in-service. He can just leave the truck on the jobsite and ride in and out with #1 son. He's dreading the drive in that huge city, and I'm dreading the worry for him all day! We both just HATE going there! It's the 5th largest city now......ugh!
Hubby called his brother, that lives in PHX, this morning and told him he would be down there tomorrow. The brother told him his wife is taking herself off the dialysis and is with hospice, now. So, it's a matter of time for her. She is 10 years older that BIL and has been in very poor health for many years. None of us have ever been 'close', so, it's a weird situation. I just pray that she will go quietly and uneventfully......sad, sad.
I think Henrietta tested the waters here this evening....we had a nice downpour, but, I think it will be kicked up several notches tomorrow and the next day. We surely can use the rain!
That's all for me.

...count your blessings

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