Thursday, June 25, 2009

RIP Michael...

WOW! What a shocker!
I am so sad to hear this....
No matter what, he was GREAT!
He contributed so much to our lives, the music industry and the humanitarian things he did...
I pray that people focus on that stuff. The rest, well, I just don't know how much is true and how much was fabricated due to his fame.
He's dealing with God now, and it's not for me to judge.
His music brings back SO many memories...
Thriller was popular when my first son was young....
Rest in Peace, Michael.
count your blessings...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sunday Drive

Here are some pictures I took, when Hubby and I went for a drive on Father's Day. I LOVE smelling the forest! I always come home so relaxed, after a day in God's nature!
This is where we were going...up on Escuidilla Mountain.

Just me and Dozer.

I loved watching these butterflies do their 'dance'.

We saw these bull Elk on the way down. Look close! Their antlers are still in VELVET!
There were 5 of them...2 laying down under a tree, but, hubby kept moving the truck on me.

These elk are so sleek and fat! They look like a horse body! Aren't they beautiful?

count your blessings....
SherryBee in AZ

Friday, June 19, 2009

NEW ITEM added to my ESTY shop...

Please check out my lil crocheted flowers on my ETSY shop!

I can't believe how fast June is passing! May always seems like a long month to me, and then, it seems the summer just flies!
It's been VERY nice in my backyard this summer.....It started to get pretty warm in April, and then, when we got rain, it cooled off and actually hasn't gotten very warm around here. The desert has been a bit cooler this summer, too. Crazy weather, but, I am loving what I have!

I am reading the 3rd book in the TWILIGHT it just me, or is it kinda boring? LOL I still wonder why I'm reading it...I am not in LOVE with it, but, what I really like about it, is that it got me into reading again. I mostly read at night before I fall asleep.

Our little scrapbooking store is sad. I worked there last Thursday for the very last time...ugh Now, maybe I will save some money, but, still... I really hated to see it go. UGH These times...

I am hoping to feel like going to Show Low in the morning for a little Stampin Up club camp that my upline is having. I have been a demo for going on 2 years and never really had any learning from her, other than the 2 retreats I went to that she put on. I need to be able to hold my own classes/clubs so, I can make a bit of money or at least earn enough to pay for my own habit! LOL

It's so quiet and peaceful here today...I think since the wind had been blowing SO BAD for the past week, that without that noise, it's kinda 'weird'. hehehe Overcast, too.

I'm fighting another UTI *last week, too*, so, I'm not feeling too spiffy. Think I'll go vacuum and then, I'll feel like I've 'earned' some crochet time!

count your blessings...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Shop my AVON site NOW....they are offering FREE SHIPPING on ANY size order! Delivered directly to you ANYWHERE! Skin So Soft is great this time of year, and also, the BUG GUARD products. It's always nice to have a new lip color and some fun FLIP FLOPS or a new BAG this time of year! Go LOOK!
count your blessings...

This just cracks me up!!!

Hope this makes you SMILE!
It's titled....
Hmmm, good question!

count your blessings...