This is a VERY intense and Graphic video.
I thought it worth sending out.
We are NOT invincible.....maybe young drivers could benefit from this.
Pass it on...
Double click video to enlarge to view.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Check This Out!

I'm back....sort of...hopefully. LOTS of puter problems since APRIL!!!
In my blog-hopping this morning, I stumbled on this! Check this link out and go get in on the drawing for this!
Also.....check out my STAMPIN' UP website at
Check out the CLEARANCE RACK and the DEAL of the WEEK (last DOTW).
I hope to be back this evening for an overdue update, but, no guarantees.....I've been awake since 4 a.m. this morning....ugh
Got some major weather changes on the way....possible SNOW tonight and tomorrow! LOL I'll believe it when I see it, but, it would be nice! Except that we don't have the leaves up yet, because the trees are finished dropping them.
Friday, August 14, 2009
I'm ALIVE, I promise!
Well, life has been ... umm.... interesting, to say the least!
I have missed blogging, but, sometimes, you just don't wanna tell people EVERYTHING....ykwim?? You never know who is reading your 'stuff', so, sometimes, I just clam up.
I intend to 'try' to get back in the blog groove, tho!
Enjoy the last remnants of summer, wherever you are!
*Where are you anyway??? Leave me a comment*
SherryBee in AZ
Thursday, June 25, 2009
RIP Michael...

WOW! What a shocker!
I am so sad to hear this....
No matter what, he was GREAT!
He contributed so much to our lives, the music industry and the humanitarian things he did...
I pray that people focus on that stuff. The rest, well, I just don't know how much is true and how much was fabricated due to his fame.
He's dealing with God now, and it's not for me to judge.
His music brings back SO many memories...
Thriller was popular when my first son was young....
Rest in Peace, Michael.
count your blessings...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday Drive
Here are some pictures I took, when Hubby and I went for a drive on Father's Day. I LOVE smelling the forest! I always come home so relaxed, after a day in God's nature!
This is where we were going...up on Escuidilla Mountain.

This is where we were going...up on Escuidilla Mountain.

Just me and Dozer.

We saw these bull Elk on the way down. Look close! Their antlers are still in VELVET!
There were 5 of them...2 laying down under a tree, but, hubby kept moving the truck on me.

There were 5 of them...2 laying down under a tree, but, hubby kept moving the truck on me.

These elk are so sleek and fat! They look like a horse body! Aren't they beautiful?

count your blessings....
SherryBee in AZ
Friday, June 19, 2009
NEW ITEM added to my ESTY shop...
Please check out my lil crocheted flowers on my ETSY shop!
I can't believe how fast June is passing! May always seems like a long month to me, and then, it seems the summer just flies!
It's been VERY nice in my backyard this summer.....It started to get pretty warm in April, and then, when we got rain, it cooled off and actually hasn't gotten very warm around here. The desert has been a bit cooler this summer, too. Crazy weather, but, I am loving what I have!
I am reading the 3rd book in the TWILIGHT it just me, or is it kinda boring? LOL I still wonder why I'm reading it...I am not in LOVE with it, but, what I really like about it, is that it got me into reading again. I mostly read at night before I fall asleep.
Our little scrapbooking store is sad. I worked there last Thursday for the very last time...ugh Now, maybe I will save some money, but, still... I really hated to see it go. UGH These times...
I am hoping to feel like going to Show Low in the morning for a little Stampin Up club camp that my upline is having. I have been a demo for going on 2 years and never really had any learning from her, other than the 2 retreats I went to that she put on. I need to be able to hold my own classes/clubs so, I can make a bit of money or at least earn enough to pay for my own habit! LOL
It's so quiet and peaceful here today...I think since the wind had been blowing SO BAD for the past week, that without that noise, it's kinda 'weird'. hehehe Overcast, too.
I'm fighting another UTI *last week, too*, so, I'm not feeling too spiffy. Think I'll go vacuum and then, I'll feel like I've 'earned' some crochet time!
count your blessings...
I can't believe how fast June is passing! May always seems like a long month to me, and then, it seems the summer just flies!
It's been VERY nice in my backyard this summer.....It started to get pretty warm in April, and then, when we got rain, it cooled off and actually hasn't gotten very warm around here. The desert has been a bit cooler this summer, too. Crazy weather, but, I am loving what I have!
I am reading the 3rd book in the TWILIGHT it just me, or is it kinda boring? LOL I still wonder why I'm reading it...I am not in LOVE with it, but, what I really like about it, is that it got me into reading again. I mostly read at night before I fall asleep.
Our little scrapbooking store is sad. I worked there last Thursday for the very last time...ugh Now, maybe I will save some money, but, still... I really hated to see it go. UGH These times...
I am hoping to feel like going to Show Low in the morning for a little Stampin Up club camp that my upline is having. I have been a demo for going on 2 years and never really had any learning from her, other than the 2 retreats I went to that she put on. I need to be able to hold my own classes/clubs so, I can make a bit of money or at least earn enough to pay for my own habit! LOL
It's so quiet and peaceful here today...I think since the wind had been blowing SO BAD for the past week, that without that noise, it's kinda 'weird'. hehehe Overcast, too.
I'm fighting another UTI *last week, too*, so, I'm not feeling too spiffy. Think I'll go vacuum and then, I'll feel like I've 'earned' some crochet time!
count your blessings...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Shop my AVON site NOW....they are offering FREE SHIPPING on ANY size order! Delivered directly to you ANYWHERE! Skin So Soft is great this time of year, and also, the BUG GUARD products. It's always nice to have a new lip color and some fun FLIP FLOPS or a new BAG this time of year! Go LOOK!
count your blessings...
Shop my AVON site NOW....they are offering FREE SHIPPING on ANY size order! Delivered directly to you ANYWHERE! Skin So Soft is great this time of year, and also, the BUG GUARD products. It's always nice to have a new lip color and some fun FLIP FLOPS or a new BAG this time of year! Go LOOK!
count your blessings...
This just cracks me up!!!
Hope this makes you SMILE!
It's titled....
Hmmm, good question!
count your blessings...
It's titled....
Hmmm, good question!
count your blessings...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Check out my new ETSY shop!
I am so happy! I FINALLY got my ETSY shop up! Please, go visit'll see the little gallery to the right. Hubby is out-of-work, so, hopefully, I can generate some grocery money with it.
Leave me a lil comment, please???
I'll try to get back later tonight or in the morning with a HUGE catch-up since, I got home from California visiting with #2 son, WITH pictures!
count your blessings...
Leave me a lil comment, please???
I'll try to get back later tonight or in the morning with a HUGE catch-up since, I got home from California visiting with #2 son, WITH pictures!
count your blessings...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Happy Wednesday...

It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood! Blue sky, birdies singing, flowers popping up.
It feels good...
I need to get some water on the yard. It's so ugly at the moment. They will come Monday to turn the sprinkler system on. I can't wait for my beautiful, lush green grass again!
I got my arrangements all made for going to California next week to see #2 son and to enjoy his Fire Academy graduation. I am so ready for something 'different'. It will be so good to hug his neck and visit with him. I told him I'd like to go see the ocean, about 2 hours away from where he's at. He also mentioned taking me to Reno. I'm trying to keep myself from getting all worked up about getting myself to the airport, tho. I have a 4 hour drive to the airport in Phoenix, from home. I'm going to just park my van there while I'm gone. I saved a bunch of money flying out of PHX vs. Tucson, plus, I got non-stop flights both ways. I also decided just to stay in Jeffrey's room and boot him out to the couch! LOL I told him we could get a blow-up mattress for him, tho. He lives in a big house with 4 other guys, but, he said they are gone most of the time. I'm sure we'll only be there to sleep and shower, so, it won't be TOO bad! We may be going on a couple of trips, anyway, so, we may be in motel rooms for a couple nights. I'm leaving Wednesday and coming home the following Monday. I wish I could stay longer, but, he has make-up work for the Reserves 4 days in a row, starting Tuesday.
I had a very nice phone conversation with #1 son yesterday noon, also, so, I feel very content. Today, I'm going to lunch with my friend, Ruthie. I always look forward to that.
When I get home, I've got some eBay items to get packaged and ready to mail for hubby. I also want to find some time to get in my craft/crap room...I feel the need to make something! LOL
I have a question for anyone reading this....
Do you re-use coffee grounds, and how?? I let mine dry, and sprinkle them on my flowerbeds. What else could they be used for? Leave me a comment with what you do with them. Thanks!
count your blessings...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
What's For Supper At Your House?
Happy Tuesday!
So, What's For Supper At Your House???
Tonight, we will have:
Bean tostados
Side Salad
Raspberry Iced Tea
Fresh Strawberries with Angel Food Cake
Tell me what you are having!
and, don't forget to count your blessings...
Happy Tuesday!
So, What's For Supper At Your House???
Tonight, we will have:
Bean tostados
Side Salad
Raspberry Iced Tea
Fresh Strawberries with Angel Food Cake
Tell me what you are having!
and, don't forget to count your blessings...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Martha! Martha! Martha!
Hey, girl! My laptop is SICK and your email address is in it...I don't have your email on my desktop...Could you email me so I can keep it on here? I miss ya!
count your blessings...
SherryBee in AZ
count your blessings...
SherryBee in AZ
- Soul :: Train
- Fold :: and put away
- Breakup :: is hard to do
- Will :: Power
- Fond :: Memories
- Powers :: That be
- Ho-hum :: Yawn
- Hustle :: Hurry up
- Avenue :: Street
- Tower :: Tall
can't sleep
I got a phone call about 10:45, from my friend Lynne, in North Carolina. Her son had been killed this evening. 26, on duty, police officer, vehicle accident of some sort. Some of you may know her from her online presence.....Raising5Boyz.
I'm just sick. Please lift this family up in prayer.
count your blessings...
I'm just sick. Please lift this family up in prayer.
count your blessings...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
OH MY GOSH!!! I'm a winner...

WOW! A few months ago I stumbled on this wonderful site -- THE RUBBER STAMP TAPESTRY. I LOVE this place! Well, I just found out that I won a stamp set, complete with inks! WOOHOO!!!
Click HERE to see this set in action! All you have to do is comment on the posts for entry into the giveaways. Susan does a fantastic job showing you how to create with these lil stamps. I LOVE the whole website! Let me know if you LOVE this place, too!
count your blessings...
Monday, April 20, 2009
well, I'm back....

Time slips away from me so fast, I cannot believe it! I think Spring may be here...I thought it had been canceled or something. I've been staying around the house pretty much, the past week. I did go have lunch with Ruthie, Tuesday when she was in town. I've been 'trying' to get my craft/crap room mucked out, and that is a HUGE task! I do have a path in there now, tho! *grin* I did manage to get some cards made really fast yesterday when hubby went antler-hunting. (He did find 2) I don't think I'm done tweaking the cards yet. I LOVE using those new Stampin Up clear Printed Window Sheets. Today, I spent about 5 hours thoroughly cleaning my bedroom. It's going to be a 2-day job, tho, cause I'm BEAT! I did get the curtains, sheers, valances and windows all done. I moved over half the furniture--HEAVY!, including that big bed--ugh. I can't believe all the dust! YUCK! I wiped down all the walls, as I moved and pushed things... I also got most everything out from under the bed! I did have to put a couple boot boxes of some things under it again. But, I feel good about the accomplishment in there so far. Tomorrow, I'll finish it up. The key is to start EARLY, before I lose steam! LOL
Well, hubby gets home 1/2 hour early nowadays (5:15), so, I better get busy and finish getting his pictures of antique doll parts ready to put on eBay.
I'll let him BBQ the ribeye tonight! YUMMY Then, it's loveseat/crochet time!
What are your plans for the week? Hope you have a great week!
count your blessings...
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday's Writers Workshop....even tho it's not Wednesday!
Ha Ha! I found this on Mama's Losin' It, and when I read this prompt *see below*, I knew IMMEDIATELY what I could tell about! LOL She has a WEDNESDAY WRITERS WORKSHOP with some prompts. Check it out and join in!
5.) What is an unpleasant experience you had eating? Write a poem, paragraph, or something else about the experience.
This is SO easy! To set the stage a bit, let me tell you that my mom & dad ate alot of 'different' type things. Things I DO NOT eat, even as an adult. I think I was about 8 or 9, maybe younger...suppertime, I was usally a good *big* eater, so, I'm sure I came to the table hungry, after a long, hard day of outdoor playing and running all over the neighborhood til my heart's content. And, look what we have here! Sauerkraut and hotdogs! SAUERKRAUT!!! HOTDOGS!!! Well, thank goodness for the hotdogs, which I didn't particularly care for, but, at least they kept me from starving! Because....I would NOT eat that smelly, stinky, nast-ay SAUERKRAUT!!! It makes me sick to my stomach, even thinking about that stuff!
Well, at our house, growing up, we didn't leave the table until our plates were clean. *I still do this, and it bugs me to no end, when my hubby throws something away from his plate* And, yes, I did hear that speech about all those starving kids in China....more than once! (And, that brings to parents today, still tell their kids that, or do they just warn them of no computer time, if they don't clean their plates? ....never mind, I'm sure alot of parents don't even bother these days.)
I don't know how my three younger brothers (only 2 at that time, and one was probably a baby and got hot cereal) got away from the table...maybe they/he DID eat it? NOT ME! I remember sitting in the DARK *is that considered child abuse these days?* and told NOT to leave that table til it was all gone. I can barely remember sitting there for a L O N G time. I do remember happily RUNNING away from that table, upstairs, to bed!, when I called out to mom...'my plate is clean'.
hehehehe, I wonder what went through her mind when she saw that CLEAN plate? Until she picked it up to take into the kitchen! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...yep! It was all tucked neatly under the edges of that plate!
I just wanna tell ya tho.....
That little trick didn't work so good with the oyster (eyeball) stew she used to serve us up.....BLECK....PUKE...BARF!!!
Man, my kids should be thankful that my mom, was the 'meanest mom in the world'! They had it easy! I NEVER made them eat weird food!
Oh, BTW....ever smelled LIMBURGER CHEESE???
count your blessings!
5.) What is an unpleasant experience you had eating? Write a poem, paragraph, or something else about the experience.
This is SO easy! To set the stage a bit, let me tell you that my mom & dad ate alot of 'different' type things. Things I DO NOT eat, even as an adult. I think I was about 8 or 9, maybe younger...suppertime, I was usally a good *big* eater, so, I'm sure I came to the table hungry, after a long, hard day of outdoor playing and running all over the neighborhood til my heart's content. And, look what we have here! Sauerkraut and hotdogs! SAUERKRAUT!!! HOTDOGS!!! Well, thank goodness for the hotdogs, which I didn't particularly care for, but, at least they kept me from starving! Because....I would NOT eat that smelly, stinky, nast-ay SAUERKRAUT!!! It makes me sick to my stomach, even thinking about that stuff!
Well, at our house, growing up, we didn't leave the table until our plates were clean. *I still do this, and it bugs me to no end, when my hubby throws something away from his plate* And, yes, I did hear that speech about all those starving kids in China....more than once! (And, that brings to parents today, still tell their kids that, or do they just warn them of no computer time, if they don't clean their plates? ....never mind, I'm sure alot of parents don't even bother these days.)
I don't know how my three younger brothers (only 2 at that time, and one was probably a baby and got hot cereal) got away from the table...maybe they/he DID eat it? NOT ME! I remember sitting in the DARK *is that considered child abuse these days?* and told NOT to leave that table til it was all gone. I can barely remember sitting there for a L O N G time. I do remember happily RUNNING away from that table, upstairs, to bed!, when I called out to mom...'my plate is clean'.
hehehehe, I wonder what went through her mind when she saw that CLEAN plate? Until she picked it up to take into the kitchen! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...yep! It was all tucked neatly under the edges of that plate!
I just wanna tell ya tho.....
That little trick didn't work so good with the oyster (eyeball) stew she used to serve us up.....BLECK....PUKE...BARF!!!
Man, my kids should be thankful that my mom, was the 'meanest mom in the world'! They had it easy! I NEVER made them eat weird food!
Oh, BTW....ever smelled LIMBURGER CHEESE???
count your blessings!
Good Friday

Every year on my birthday, my mom will say "You were born on Good Friday". I always wonder what that means...Too deep for my head.
Last Saturday, while at moms, my cousin, Sandy, sent us her work schedule for the rest of the year. I guess it was a 'hint' for setting our 2nd Annual Train Trip to Iowa! So.....We are planning on leaving Albuquerque Tuesday, September 14! Yippee! We haven't actually bought the tickets yet...we will wait to make sure Sandy can get one of the weekends off while we are there. That's a long ways away, anyway. I get tickled thinking about my Aunt Mae getting her notebook/list started! We razzed her alot about it, but, really, it was a great help! Mom wanted to go a bit earlier this year *actually, if you said LET'S GO, she'd have her suitcase out right now! hehehe*. It won't be as cold as it was last October. One thing that I like about planning these trips, is it's a great boost for those old ladies! It gives them something to look forward to, and hopefully, stay healthy...altho both of them are doing great at the moment.
Well, time to get busy around here. I think it's gonna be a long day. Not much sleep, again, last night, ugh.
count your blessings...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
some of my lastest crochet projects...

When I went to moms, I showed her an easy potholder project, to give her something to do. I love making these potholders. Quick, easy, no-brainers! Gotta love stuff like that sometimes. The 2 dishcloths are for a swap I am mailing out. I love the fun colors of these projects.
We woke up to a bit of snow this morning! WTH? Crazy weather...I just hope this cold stuff doesn't kill off all the fruit this year. It was so windy yesterday, it blew a lil storm in. We are supposed to have something else showing up this weekend. I think hubby and I will just hang around the house this Easter weekend. He's pretty tired and wore out from working so much...thank you, Lord, that he has a job! His elbow is almost blown out and he flashed his own eyes day before yesterday. He NEVER does that, so, I think he's just been working a bit too much! Poor guy...50/60 hours a week is a bit much. The money is nice, but, at what cost?
I guess I'll finish up my 'puttering' (tell me you putter, too!) and deliver a bit of AVON, then, come home and make myself a birthday cake. WooHoo! I miss having my kids around. Jeffrey used to always surprise me with something...usually, he'd have some kind of decoration around, and he would have my coffee cup, spoon and all set out on the counter all nice for me. He did call me first thing yesterday wish me a Happy Birthday. It almost made me cry. #1 son probably has lost track of the days, and he doesn't have very good phone service. He'll remember when he sees me tho. Hubby called from 10 minutes to 5...he wanted to know if I wanted to go out for supper, but, we decided to wait and see what the weekend brings. I'm not a huge fan of eating out, so, that's fine by me.
count your blessings...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
home again.....

I went AWOL for a bit there! LOL Actually, I went to stay with my mom while my brother went to Boise for a week. I was undecided when/whether to even go, but, last Tuesday, the 31st, after I had gotten all my errands done, I figured I better head out, since I didn't know when I'd have the chance again. I enjoy the 3 1/2+ hour drive, once I get on the road. I put my Beatles #1 Hits CD *GREAT ROAD SONGS! HEHEHE* in and savored the beauty of the mountains, as I left town...
I got to mom's right at 6--suppertime! LOL My brother joined us for supper and a glass of wine, then, we popped a movie in. The next day, we left for Tucson about 3:30 to get him to the airport. We had 45mph traffic for about 20 miles, because we got behind a truck hauling one of those HUGE coppermine took up both lanes. If it wasn't so scary *and windy* it would have been comical watching stoopid drivers that didn't know what the holdup was! After we dropped him off, we went back towards Willcox, and stopped in Benson...had to hit Walmart, of course! LOL Then, we planned on going to eat Chinese food, but, it was closed! That whole NEW business complex is in a mess! The ground is shifting under it and the restaureant had the roof cave in! ACK! So, we settled for Wendys. Got home and settled in and watched my favoritest movie...Secret Of The Bees.
Thursday, we went back to Tucson with one of my moms friends. We went to Desert Diamond Casino first...I am not a gambler, but, thought what the heck...$20 was my limit! LOL We ate first..yummy.. then, I found a 2cent machine and spend just about the whole 3 hours on that machine, and the one next to it! LOL I ended up $69 ahead when I left....smiling all the way out the door! hehehe Then, we went to Costco *my first ever trip there* and home. Friday, we went for breakfast at the Truck Stop. I was trying to hook up with my friend, Lucille, that is the manager there, but, she was busy doing her errands.

We also got our Iowa train trip tentatively planned! WOOHOO! Hoping to leave Albuquerque September 15!!! Ohhhh, so exciting! I'm sure my Aunt Mae has her notebook out getting things planned for us!
I loaded up and came home Sunday. The excitement for that day was the TICKET I got coming through the lil hamlet town of Glenwood, in New Mexico.....grrrrr! I even told the cop I was NOT happy about that. He got me for going 44 in a 35 as I was coming down the hill into town......Me thinks these states are all hurting for money and will getting people for alert! I don't speed in NM because I got a ticket a few years ago for going more than the 50 MPH posted.....50mph on the highway! GRRRR for over 10 miles stretch. What a joke! As soon as you hit AZ, it's 65, and it's mountain also!
I get so tired driving sometimes, that I have to pull off for a snooze, and that's what happened was a nice little 30 minute nap, til the sun got it too hot in my van. I got home about 3:30 and unloaded, then, decided to go to the store so, I wouldn't have to the rest of the week....that makes me happy!
Today, it's laundry and changing the bedding and general cleaning. I am glad to be home!
So....tell me what your weekly plans are.
count your blessings....
Monday, March 30, 2009
another snowy day!

HA! I'm loving this! We have had 2 'unexpected' snowstorms, lately. Thursday, we had 8", and this morning, 4"---it snowed contiunally from 7-12 a.m. I LOVED it! I made chocolate chip cookies to celebrate! LOL
Didn't do much this weekend. We pretty much stay home, when hubby is not working. I did talk him into taking me to my friends, Ruthie, 60th birthday party in Show Low Saturday night. That was a nice change. We had BBQ hamburgers, chicken and the MOST delicious DQ ice cream birthday cake. It was fun watching her open all of her nice gifts. I can't remember the last time I've been at a birthday party....
Sunday, we stayed home. It was so windy, again! I cleaned house a bit and spent the afternoon taking pictures out of MIL's old photo albums. Those things should be OUTLAWED! They ruin the pictures...and, some of the pictures will have to be cut away from the pages. I will eventually sort them and seperate, then, send them on to the other two brothers. Going through old pictures is always such an emotional thing for takes alot out of me.
My mom has several boxes of the old black/white and familly photos. You don't know how many times we drag those things out and laugh, and laugh! We are saving those historical stories in our heads, too! LOL I LOVE having pictures in boxes like that. It's so easy to pass them on to the one next to you when you bust out laughing, so, they can see! I plan on keeping hubby's side of his family's pictures in a big box, for the same reason.
I like to do 'little' scrapbooks, for certain special occassions or what not. The big scrapbooks are beautiful, but, way too intimidating for me. So, boxes for me, and I'll be happy, happy!
I have a small Stampin Up order I need to get done. (Still have to close the other workshop order yet---I'm anxious to see what she pulled off with that.)
I need to stay busy or I'm gonna be SICK of chocolate chip cookies! LOL We can't have that!
count your blessings...
Friday, March 27, 2009
my first video...
This is one of the gifts my 'sis' Ruthie gave me the other day...She spoils me ROTTEN...but, I like it! hehehe I laugh everytime I push his button!
back to the real world...
This week was a just seemed to buzz right by!
I don't even remember what I did Monday....isn't that terrible? It scares me! I need to take more vinegar~Bragg's Natural Apple Cider vinegar with a bit of honey in a small glass of water. That stuff REALLY helps me! I take it for what I call 'brain fog'. It's also great for your joints, your blood vessels/veins, keeps cholesterol in check, and on and a search or go to Braggs' website. My youngest son, when he was facing a test in high school, would say "mom, make me some of that stuff". I love to take it the night before I need to get up early, too. It just gets me bright-eyed and busy tailed! LOL
I worked Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the scrapbook store. It's been pretty slow, so, it gave me time to get things ready for my very FIRST Stampin' Up workshop.
I had to drive 30+ miles one way (at night, which I hate!). It's not over yet, but, let's just say the hostess had 10-12 people there and when I left there was only ONE order for $15. I thought I did a really great job and had 3 fun projects for them, so, that's all I'm gonna say on that...
It's been really windy around here all week, and yesterday, about 4:00, it started SNOWING!!! By 7-ish, it was over, and we had a beautiful 8 inches of the white stuff! We have the weirdest weather! I absolutely LOVE snowy, blustery days/nights. I love the change, I guess. This is what it looked like this morning:

I'm not the best cardmaker, but, here are some cards I made this week..some are pretty basic, for the workshop.

Gotta get busy and clean house, get laundry going and deliver some AVON after the roads are a bit more clear.
I have the urge to bake something, too....hmmmmm, what will that be?
count your blessings...
I don't even remember what I did Monday....isn't that terrible? It scares me! I need to take more vinegar~Bragg's Natural Apple Cider vinegar with a bit of honey in a small glass of water. That stuff REALLY helps me! I take it for what I call 'brain fog'. It's also great for your joints, your blood vessels/veins, keeps cholesterol in check, and on and a search or go to Braggs' website. My youngest son, when he was facing a test in high school, would say "mom, make me some of that stuff". I love to take it the night before I need to get up early, too. It just gets me bright-eyed and busy tailed! LOL
I worked Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the scrapbook store. It's been pretty slow, so, it gave me time to get things ready for my very FIRST Stampin' Up workshop.
I had to drive 30+ miles one way (at night, which I hate!). It's not over yet, but, let's just say the hostess had 10-12 people there and when I left there was only ONE order for $15. I thought I did a really great job and had 3 fun projects for them, so, that's all I'm gonna say on that...
It's been really windy around here all week, and yesterday, about 4:00, it started SNOWING!!! By 7-ish, it was over, and we had a beautiful 8 inches of the white stuff! We have the weirdest weather! I absolutely LOVE snowy, blustery days/nights. I love the change, I guess. This is what it looked like this morning:

I'm not the best cardmaker, but, here are some cards I made this week..some are pretty basic, for the workshop.

Gotta get busy and clean house, get laundry going and deliver some AVON after the roads are a bit more clear.
I have the urge to bake something, too....hmmmmm, what will that be?
count your blessings...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
....goodbye, dear friend
*sigh* What do I say?
My dear, OLD *inside joke* friend, Chris, lost her fight with ovarian cancer Sunday, March 15th. (The day after my Mother-in-Law passed away...) She found out 3 1/2 years ago, when she was already in stage 4. Kept ignoring the pain. She had major surgery, taking out ALOT of her insides, trying to make sure they got it all and that it was all 'clean'. New meds, no more meds, new treatment, not gonna do it finally got one lung, then, the other. She would have entered the Hospice progam the next day, Monday.
35+ years..... how many friends have you had for over 35 years?
I crocheted her a prayer shawl a year or so ago. I could not believe the memories that flooded back while I crocheted. She was a big part of my past. We worked together at my parents El Taco, we became neighbors and best friends. We played pool ALOT and got so good, that we could beat most of the local guys. We spent evenings together doing stupid stuff in the hot, summer nights...stealing peaches comes to mind! We traveled to Seattle from Arizona twice. When hubby and I got married and lived in another town, she would come visit us. We would flop a mattress out on the living room floor and laugh all night, until we pee'ed ourselves!
We hadn't seen each other in person for about 26 years, but, she was the kind of friend that when you talked to her those couple of times a year, that it was just like yesterday...and we laughed!!! Oh, how we laughed. She was always the OLDER one! HA! She was only 17 days older than me, but, I never let her forget that she was the OLD friend! She died a week before her 54th birthday...ha, fitting....she didn't want to be older than me.
I am so sad...I loved you Chris...I know that you knew it.
She lasted so much longer than they ever thought she would. Even her pastor praised her bubbly, optimistic attitude for outliving her time. She was such a lover of life. And, it came to me that she did what God intends for us to do--she 'used it up'. She was the happy, bubbly, cheerful type that sometimes you would just want to 'slap her'! ha ha...I know she would appreciate that. She would say 'gee' and 'garsh'...mostly for effect, but, she was sweet, truly sweet. Not fake sweet.
She LOVED her cats and horses! She gagged me, when she would open a can of peas...and eat just peas! She dipped everything in mustard! She always started our phone calls with 'hey, kid'. It came to me the afternoon that I found out, as I drove to get my TAXES done, (yeah, really crappy day) that I could just hear her saying, as she looked around heaven.....'gee, this isn't so bad'.
Today was her birthday. I would have called her and gave her a hard time about being OLDER. And, we would have laughed and laughed through the whole call....
...until we meet again, my friend.....
these are from 1976...on one of our trips to Seattle...

My dear, OLD *inside joke* friend, Chris, lost her fight with ovarian cancer Sunday, March 15th. (The day after my Mother-in-Law passed away...) She found out 3 1/2 years ago, when she was already in stage 4. Kept ignoring the pain. She had major surgery, taking out ALOT of her insides, trying to make sure they got it all and that it was all 'clean'. New meds, no more meds, new treatment, not gonna do it finally got one lung, then, the other. She would have entered the Hospice progam the next day, Monday.
35+ years..... how many friends have you had for over 35 years?
I crocheted her a prayer shawl a year or so ago. I could not believe the memories that flooded back while I crocheted. She was a big part of my past. We worked together at my parents El Taco, we became neighbors and best friends. We played pool ALOT and got so good, that we could beat most of the local guys. We spent evenings together doing stupid stuff in the hot, summer nights...stealing peaches comes to mind! We traveled to Seattle from Arizona twice. When hubby and I got married and lived in another town, she would come visit us. We would flop a mattress out on the living room floor and laugh all night, until we pee'ed ourselves!
We hadn't seen each other in person for about 26 years, but, she was the kind of friend that when you talked to her those couple of times a year, that it was just like yesterday...and we laughed!!! Oh, how we laughed. She was always the OLDER one! HA! She was only 17 days older than me, but, I never let her forget that she was the OLD friend! She died a week before her 54th birthday...ha, fitting....she didn't want to be older than me.
I am so sad...I loved you Chris...I know that you knew it.
She lasted so much longer than they ever thought she would. Even her pastor praised her bubbly, optimistic attitude for outliving her time. She was such a lover of life. And, it came to me that she did what God intends for us to do--she 'used it up'. She was the happy, bubbly, cheerful type that sometimes you would just want to 'slap her'! ha ha...I know she would appreciate that. She would say 'gee' and 'garsh'...mostly for effect, but, she was sweet, truly sweet. Not fake sweet.
She LOVED her cats and horses! She gagged me, when she would open a can of peas...and eat just peas! She dipped everything in mustard! She always started our phone calls with 'hey, kid'. It came to me the afternoon that I found out, as I drove to get my TAXES done, (yeah, really crappy day) that I could just hear her saying, as she looked around heaven.....'gee, this isn't so bad'.
Today was her birthday. I would have called her and gave her a hard time about being OLDER. And, we would have laughed and laughed through the whole call....
...until we meet again, my friend.....
these are from 1976...on one of our trips to Seattle...

Monday, March 16, 2009
sad news...
Just a brief update.
My mother-in-law passed away Saturday, March 14th. I pray she is finally at peace and smiling! I think she led a very sad life for 82 years. I try to think of times she must have had joy....
I'll post about the scrapbooking retreat a bit later. It's going to be a very hectic week.
count your blessings...
My mother-in-law passed away Saturday, March 14th. I pray she is finally at peace and smiling! I think she led a very sad life for 82 years. I try to think of times she must have had joy....
I'll post about the scrapbooking retreat a bit later. It's going to be a very hectic week.
count your blessings...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
'a stampin' I will go....
I am leaving this morning for our second 'ANNUAL' Stampin' Up Retreat! We have a HUGE cabin in the woods rented from Thursday thru Sunday! 13 of us this year, compared to 7 last year. My friend, Ruthie, is joining us. We'll be in the bedroom with bunkbeds...I made her take the top! LOL I'm so excited!!! My only problem is, I can't decide what to LEAVE AT HOME! LOL My van is gonna be FULL! We are also having a surprise baby shower for our leader and her sister-in-law *that is coming from Colorado to join us* on Friday night. Saturday, on our lunch outing, we may head back over here to the Scrapbook store for a 'special' 50% off sale the entire store for us! FUN, FUN!
I haven't heard much on the situation with MIL...her leg wound has stopped seeping, tho. She isn't wanting to eat much. Yesterday, her sister was put in the hospital after not having a very good out-patient procedure!! ACK!
I can't believe where the week has went! I know that saying about time flying the older you!, is that ever true!
Better get off here and get my buns a'rollin!
count your blessings...
SherryBee in AZ
I haven't heard much on the situation with MIL...her leg wound has stopped seeping, tho. She isn't wanting to eat much. Yesterday, her sister was put in the hospital after not having a very good out-patient procedure!! ACK!
I can't believe where the week has went! I know that saying about time flying the older you!, is that ever true!
Better get off here and get my buns a'rollin!
count your blessings...
SherryBee in AZ
Stampin Up
Saturday, March 7, 2009
hello out there...
Saturday! What a nice day we are having...lots of blue sky, and the wind has died down. There's just enough to make my chimes do their thing by the back door...I LOVE that sound!
Yesterday, my brothers, SIL and mom went out to breakfast before they headed back home...what a fast trip, but, that's my brother for you. Actually, his eye was hurting him..he has been having terrible trouble with his right eye...not good stuff at all. It was a cold, rainy day, but, you know I LOVE those kind of days! There's plenty of sunshine, so, I enjoy different weather days.
For some reason, I was tired all day, so, I did take some time to play with my new stamps from RUBBER STAMP TAPESTRY...I just love them.
The highlight of the day, was when I went to the bank and paid off the 04 Mountianeer Travel Trailer!! WOOHOO!!!! Paid it off 89 (YES! 89) payments EARLY---now, that's a great feeling!!!
I made my 'famous' ho-made Potato Soup for supper, then, watched a marathon showing on AMC of 'Breaking Bad'. They had 7 shows from last season, but, I ended up having record the last 1 and 1/2 shows...I just couldn't stay awake anymore. The new season starts Sunday. Don't ask me why I watch that show....I just do.
Well, time for me to get busy. I am hanging some sheets from the guest bed outside to dry, then, I need to start pulling some pictures together for MIL's memory board. This whole ordeal with her going into hospice is totally getting to me. Part of who I am is because of her....I met her when I was 17, and have learned so many things from her. I still do things today, that I attribute to her. Some good, some bad... I get really sad when I look back on things I wish I would have done differently. It's causing me to relect back on my entire life.
Lord, forgive me....
count your blessings...
Yesterday, my brothers, SIL and mom went out to breakfast before they headed back home...what a fast trip, but, that's my brother for you. Actually, his eye was hurting him..he has been having terrible trouble with his right eye...not good stuff at all. It was a cold, rainy day, but, you know I LOVE those kind of days! There's plenty of sunshine, so, I enjoy different weather days.
For some reason, I was tired all day, so, I did take some time to play with my new stamps from RUBBER STAMP TAPESTRY...I just love them.

I made my 'famous' ho-made Potato Soup for supper, then, watched a marathon showing on AMC of 'Breaking Bad'. They had 7 shows from last season, but, I ended up having record the last 1 and 1/2 shows...I just couldn't stay awake anymore. The new season starts Sunday. Don't ask me why I watch that show....I just do.
Well, time for me to get busy. I am hanging some sheets from the guest bed outside to dry, then, I need to start pulling some pictures together for MIL's memory board. This whole ordeal with her going into hospice is totally getting to me. Part of who I am is because of her....I met her when I was 17, and have learned so many things from her. I still do things today, that I attribute to her. Some good, some bad... I get really sad when I look back on things I wish I would have done differently. It's causing me to relect back on my entire life.
Lord, forgive me....
count your blessings...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
busy, busy
Another busy week!
I stayed home Monday and cleaned and whatnot. I should have cleaned my nasty van, the weather was beautiful...but, it turned cool and can tell Spring is a'comin here in Round Valley! THE WIND IS HERE!!! UGH I saw on Jeopardy several years ago, one of the questions was 'what is the windiest town'...they said EAGAR! I beleive it, too! We've had 105 mph winds before...the year our roof was taken down to bare wood!
S C A R E Y!!! Tuesday, I did leave the house for a bit to do some errands, and such. Wednesday, I went over to Show Low )for the 4th time in 10 days!!) to have lunch with my friend, Ruthie, and naturally, had to hit WALMART! LOL I was good, tho and didn't buy much, except Toilet Paper and a bit of food. Today, after I got my AVON order in, I cleaned house, cause my brother and mom came up for the night. Hubby went to a pool tournament and my brother is staying at my other brothers house. Mom fell asleep during the movie we were watching, 'The Secret Life of Bees', and went to bed, so, I thought I would get this post in.
It's been an emotional week with MIL stuff. Hospice is involved with her, as of today. I'm hoping to get a bit more info sad. I asked hubby if he wanted to go back down and see her again this weekend, but, I don't think we will. As long as she has her sister there, that helps. It's such a 'weird' situation. I feel sad that the family wasn't that close. She was a hard one to be close to. I guess every family is different, and you all do what you have to do to survive...
I didn't find any free time to play with my new CRICUT or stamps, darn it.
Maybe tomorrow afternoon or Saturday, since hubby will be working.
My back is killing me again.....I can't stand up straight for a bit after I get out of a chair. I don't know what's up with that! I'm an OLD lady, I guess...I feel like it! LOL
I'll post some pictures I took Wednesday when I drove over the mountain to have lunch. I love driving that way...It tops out at 9410'. It's been so warm, the snow is melting fast. Seemed to have a LOT of snow this year. In the distance, you'll see Sunrise Ski Resort. It's on the White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation. Just a peek into my world...

count your blessings....
I stayed home Monday and cleaned and whatnot. I should have cleaned my nasty van, the weather was beautiful...but, it turned cool and can tell Spring is a'comin here in Round Valley! THE WIND IS HERE!!! UGH I saw on Jeopardy several years ago, one of the questions was 'what is the windiest town'...they said EAGAR! I beleive it, too! We've had 105 mph winds before...the year our roof was taken down to bare wood!
S C A R E Y!!! Tuesday, I did leave the house for a bit to do some errands, and such. Wednesday, I went over to Show Low )for the 4th time in 10 days!!) to have lunch with my friend, Ruthie, and naturally, had to hit WALMART! LOL I was good, tho and didn't buy much, except Toilet Paper and a bit of food. Today, after I got my AVON order in, I cleaned house, cause my brother and mom came up for the night. Hubby went to a pool tournament and my brother is staying at my other brothers house. Mom fell asleep during the movie we were watching, 'The Secret Life of Bees', and went to bed, so, I thought I would get this post in.
It's been an emotional week with MIL stuff. Hospice is involved with her, as of today. I'm hoping to get a bit more info sad. I asked hubby if he wanted to go back down and see her again this weekend, but, I don't think we will. As long as she has her sister there, that helps. It's such a 'weird' situation. I feel sad that the family wasn't that close. She was a hard one to be close to. I guess every family is different, and you all do what you have to do to survive...
I didn't find any free time to play with my new CRICUT or stamps, darn it.
Maybe tomorrow afternoon or Saturday, since hubby will be working.
My back is killing me again.....I can't stand up straight for a bit after I get out of a chair. I don't know what's up with that! I'm an OLD lady, I guess...I feel like it! LOL
I'll post some pictures I took Wednesday when I drove over the mountain to have lunch. I love driving that way...It tops out at 9410'. It's been so warm, the snow is melting fast. Seemed to have a LOT of snow this year. In the distance, you'll see Sunrise Ski Resort. It's on the White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation. Just a peek into my world...

count your blessings....
Monday, March 2, 2009
I suppose I should play catch up...
WOW! Another week gone by and here it is March!
My tooth mess is all better, altho, my chin is STILL a bit numb. Last Tuesday, I took #1 son over to Show Low and we spent the day doing some errands he had to take care of. We got alot accomplished. He had gotten his income tax money back, so, he came home BROKE! LOL He got to spend some money on himself for a change, too, and I could tell it made him feel good. We had a real nice lunch at a nice Mexican food place. Went to Walmart... When I took him home, he had me come in and meet the owner of the house he is staying at. We had a real nice visit, for about an hour! I'm glad I got to spend the day with him...he's such a good person..he just doesn't know it. Wednesday, at 9 p.m. I got a phone call from him. Could I bring him some gas. !!??!! So, I got the gas can, and headed to fill it. I COULDN"T OPEN IT! Had to come back home and have hubby open it...I had even asked someone at the gas station if he could open it and he couldn't. STRONG hubby! LOL So, off I go....I took the turn I was supposed to and kept going and going and going. Thank God I had phone service, because I ended up getting stuck in some snow that was deeper than I thought. Oh, man! I tried really hard not to get scared....out all alone -- in the dark -- in the forest. I guess I didn't see him pulled off a side road. I called hubby and he had to get out of bed to come help me...he got there right at 11 o'clock! I was just getting ready to call him again *my phone was almost dead, too*, I was giving him to 11..I didn't know if he was actually coming or not, cause I lost his call. #1 son had taken off walking, so, I had to give him and the dog a ride back to his place. WHAT A NIGHT.....I was soooo happy to get my butt home!
I was on a spending frenzy last week, that's for sure. Man, I gotta get some more AVON customers or get another part-time job! I NEED MONEY!
I finally made the decision to buy a CRICUT! Yippee! I think it will be here tomorrow. I bought it on EBAY, NEW, with 2 cartridges for $250 including shipping! I got a Stampin Up order in Friday. I also found the neatest stamp place online.
If you love to stamp or make cards, check out my new favorite place. Rubber Stamp Tapestry
I ordered Tuesday night and it was here Thursday!!! From North Carolina!! I love my stuff! Then, Saturday, before we left for Payson, I ordered a Mega and Giga Punch and some other things from the sale at Addicted to Scrapbooking! WHEW!!! I can't look at another thing! *altho, I have another Stampin' Up order to send in! LOL*
Saturday, hubby took off work and we went to see his mom at the care center. She'd been in the hospital for a weeping skin tear and her legs were so swollen..come to find out, she had a blot clot. They put a 'green filter' in her big thigh vein to stop any more clots that might be in there, as the blood thinner might loosen them. She spent almost a whole week in the hospital, and had gotten back to the care center Friday. We were shocked to see her in the condition she was in. Not good at all... I had to go outside for fresh air *I hate breathing the air in those places, and come to find out they have a flu epidemic on that ward...both ends!* We spoke to her nurse for quite awhile and came to the conclusion that it's time to put her on hospice....She is so tired of this fight for life...She'll be 83 in November. She's been in the care center for just about 2 years, now. We met up with hubby's aunt and her husband and a cousin and his family, for dinner at Chili's. We had a nice visit, under the circumstances. Altho, I got a call from the care center 1/2 through the meal...MIL wasn't doing well....they put her on oxygen, did a couple breathing treatments and put her on pain meds. The nurse said she seemed to be doing a bit better.
Today, we thought the Dr. was going to evaluate her for hospice, but, her sister emailed and said when she called they said the Dr. would get back with them. pfft
MIL already has all of her funeral arrangements taken care of *since 1988 when her husband died, she did all of that right after*. I have talked to the funeral home a couple of times recently to know what to do. Tomorrow, I'll go over to the little house, all of her clothes are still in the closet. I am hoping I can find a nice blouse to take when the time comes. I am also going to get some photos together to put on a board for display at the funeral home. I know none of the boys *her kids* will know what to do, so, this will be the last I will have to do...ugh
I need to sign off and go shower. I feel the need to crochet to unwind...
count your blessings...
My tooth mess is all better, altho, my chin is STILL a bit numb. Last Tuesday, I took #1 son over to Show Low and we spent the day doing some errands he had to take care of. We got alot accomplished. He had gotten his income tax money back, so, he came home BROKE! LOL He got to spend some money on himself for a change, too, and I could tell it made him feel good. We had a real nice lunch at a nice Mexican food place. Went to Walmart... When I took him home, he had me come in and meet the owner of the house he is staying at. We had a real nice visit, for about an hour! I'm glad I got to spend the day with him...he's such a good person..he just doesn't know it. Wednesday, at 9 p.m. I got a phone call from him. Could I bring him some gas. !!??!! So, I got the gas can, and headed to fill it. I COULDN"T OPEN IT! Had to come back home and have hubby open it...I had even asked someone at the gas station if he could open it and he couldn't. STRONG hubby! LOL So, off I go....I took the turn I was supposed to and kept going and going and going. Thank God I had phone service, because I ended up getting stuck in some snow that was deeper than I thought. Oh, man! I tried really hard not to get scared....out all alone -- in the dark -- in the forest. I guess I didn't see him pulled off a side road. I called hubby and he had to get out of bed to come help me...he got there right at 11 o'clock! I was just getting ready to call him again *my phone was almost dead, too*, I was giving him to 11..I didn't know if he was actually coming or not, cause I lost his call. #1 son had taken off walking, so, I had to give him and the dog a ride back to his place. WHAT A NIGHT.....I was soooo happy to get my butt home!
I was on a spending frenzy last week, that's for sure. Man, I gotta get some more AVON customers or get another part-time job! I NEED MONEY!
I finally made the decision to buy a CRICUT! Yippee! I think it will be here tomorrow. I bought it on EBAY, NEW, with 2 cartridges for $250 including shipping! I got a Stampin Up order in Friday. I also found the neatest stamp place online.
If you love to stamp or make cards, check out my new favorite place. Rubber Stamp Tapestry
I ordered Tuesday night and it was here Thursday!!! From North Carolina!! I love my stuff! Then, Saturday, before we left for Payson, I ordered a Mega and Giga Punch and some other things from the sale at Addicted to Scrapbooking! WHEW!!! I can't look at another thing! *altho, I have another Stampin' Up order to send in! LOL*
Saturday, hubby took off work and we went to see his mom at the care center. She'd been in the hospital for a weeping skin tear and her legs were so swollen..come to find out, she had a blot clot. They put a 'green filter' in her big thigh vein to stop any more clots that might be in there, as the blood thinner might loosen them. She spent almost a whole week in the hospital, and had gotten back to the care center Friday. We were shocked to see her in the condition she was in. Not good at all... I had to go outside for fresh air *I hate breathing the air in those places, and come to find out they have a flu epidemic on that ward...both ends!* We spoke to her nurse for quite awhile and came to the conclusion that it's time to put her on hospice....She is so tired of this fight for life...She'll be 83 in November. She's been in the care center for just about 2 years, now. We met up with hubby's aunt and her husband and a cousin and his family, for dinner at Chili's. We had a nice visit, under the circumstances. Altho, I got a call from the care center 1/2 through the meal...MIL wasn't doing well....they put her on oxygen, did a couple breathing treatments and put her on pain meds. The nurse said she seemed to be doing a bit better.
Today, we thought the Dr. was going to evaluate her for hospice, but, her sister emailed and said when she called they said the Dr. would get back with them. pfft
MIL already has all of her funeral arrangements taken care of *since 1988 when her husband died, she did all of that right after*. I have talked to the funeral home a couple of times recently to know what to do. Tomorrow, I'll go over to the little house, all of her clothes are still in the closet. I am hoping I can find a nice blouse to take when the time comes. I am also going to get some photos together to put on a board for display at the funeral home. I know none of the boys *her kids* will know what to do, so, this will be the last I will have to do...ugh
I need to sign off and go shower. I feel the need to crochet to unwind...
count your blessings...
- Pain :: Toothache
- Lego :: Blocks
- Trooper :: Hang in there
- Flicker :: Photos
- Character :: Donald Duck
- Determined :: Stubborn
- Wing :: Man
- Control :: Freak
- Automatic :: Dishwasher
- Yeah :: Baby!
count your blessings...
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
- Carpet :: Cleaner
- William :: Tell
- Oh! :: Boy!
- Board game :: Monopoly
- Sunlight :: Sunset
- Delay :: Reaction
- Winner :: Loser
- Concubine :: Bible
- Comatose :: ACK!
- Satisfy :: Content
count your blessings...
SherryBee in SUNNY AZ
unconsious mutterings
Friday, February 20, 2009
WHEW! It's almost over with...I still have some numbness in my chin and lower cheek. Weird! I ended up having a root canal on the tooth Wednesday. I decided to do the RC, since I didn't need a crown on it, only a filling. So, that saved well over $600. So instead of the intial $1502 *with 15% discount*, it will be be $683.....????!!??? I agonized over the decision of pulling vs. root canal---that was almost as bad as the pain! I still have to go back Monday for the permanent filling to be put in.
Here's a few pictures of some cards I had made before Valentines Day, and when I worked last.
I'm still on the hunt for organizing solutions to my craft room for the scrapbooking section. I may run to Walmart and Home Depot tomorrow or Tuesday and get SOMETHING that will work.
I'm off to work on the doily from hell.....this is the hardest project I've come across in a long time.

count your blessings...
Here's a few pictures of some cards I had made before Valentines Day, and when I worked last.
I'm still on the hunt for organizing solutions to my craft room for the scrapbooking section. I may run to Walmart and Home Depot tomorrow or Tuesday and get SOMETHING that will work.
I'm off to work on the doily from hell.....this is the hardest project I've come across in a long time.

count your blessings...
Crochet vs. Knit
ROFL --- I know I spend waaaaay too much time online..I found this and just had to post it! LOL Sometimes, we do take ourselves way too seriously, don't we?
Can you see it?

Can you feel it?

I think it's Spring.....trying to sneak up on me....
count your blessings....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
- Be mine :: Kiss Me
- Ecstatic :: Happy
- Orderly :: Conduct
- Sebastian :: Cabot
- Sore :: Loser
- Don’t need :: Any
- Rockstar :: Hillbilly (?)
- Tinfoil :: Box
- Addiction :: My Computer
- Where? :: What?
count your blessings...
Friday, February 13, 2009
...still suffering
It's not that I'm a huge baby or anything, but, geez! I am ready for this tooth business to be done with!
I had the dentist office call me in a prescription for some pain meds *Tylenol 3*, I don't like that other stuff that makes me sick to my stomach*. It was cutting it, so, I was taking that and an 800mg Ibuprofen about every 2 1/2 - 4 hours. Pain and misery! The pain was up to 9.5 (with 10 being full body pain, so, it was bad). My face looked like a baseball was in my mouth by Thursday morning. I was dreading what he might do at the appointment. Right as the assistant was looking at me, she said these kind of infections are bad. Within the past 5 years, the dental industry is seeing lots of people dying from them because they get 'SupeBugs' that the antibiotics won't work on. I was left in the room alone freaking out! I hadn't been taking my blood pressure meds for 2 days and my heart seemed to be pounding. The dentist told me the tooth had DIED! AND, that he would have to get that infection drilling into the tooth! ACK I was afraid that was what he would want to do, but, it wasn't that bad. (Have to go back later, and I've decided I'll have it pulled. It's loose and the bone is already deteriorating. It's a small molar, and, the weird thing is that I have no fillings or cavities on that side.)
Now, the pain comes and goes and the swelling, too. It started up again a few minutes ago, so, I'm typing with a big icepack on my face!
I did go work at the scrapbook store from 2-5 today. I knew it would be a slow, easy day. I had debated about it in the morning, but, by noon, I was feeling pretty good.
I work tomorrow from 10-4. I hope it's a good day and I can make it. The owner is having a big celebration/going away for her husband and a bunch of military people. Her husband is deploying in a week or two. (They haven't even given him an acccurate date!?)
So, that's my catch-up.
count your blessings...
I had the dentist office call me in a prescription for some pain meds *Tylenol 3*, I don't like that other stuff that makes me sick to my stomach*. It was cutting it, so, I was taking that and an 800mg Ibuprofen about every 2 1/2 - 4 hours. Pain and misery! The pain was up to 9.5 (with 10 being full body pain, so, it was bad). My face looked like a baseball was in my mouth by Thursday morning. I was dreading what he might do at the appointment. Right as the assistant was looking at me, she said these kind of infections are bad. Within the past 5 years, the dental industry is seeing lots of people dying from them because they get 'SupeBugs' that the antibiotics won't work on. I was left in the room alone freaking out! I hadn't been taking my blood pressure meds for 2 days and my heart seemed to be pounding. The dentist told me the tooth had DIED! AND, that he would have to get that infection drilling into the tooth! ACK I was afraid that was what he would want to do, but, it wasn't that bad. (Have to go back later, and I've decided I'll have it pulled. It's loose and the bone is already deteriorating. It's a small molar, and, the weird thing is that I have no fillings or cavities on that side.)
Now, the pain comes and goes and the swelling, too. It started up again a few minutes ago, so, I'm typing with a big icepack on my face!
I did go work at the scrapbook store from 2-5 today. I knew it would be a slow, easy day. I had debated about it in the morning, but, by noon, I was feeling pretty good.
I work tomorrow from 10-4. I hope it's a good day and I can make it. The owner is having a big celebration/going away for her husband and a bunch of military people. Her husband is deploying in a week or two. (They haven't even given him an acccurate date!?)
So, that's my catch-up.
count your blessings...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Toothache.... hurts! I stopped at the dentist office after my PAP test (NOT fair! Two of the most YUCKY things in ONE day!!!) to see about an appointment. I have 'something' going on in my mouth and it's not going away. They called a prescription in for some antibiotics and told me of a 'concoction' for pain to get over-the-counter. I can't get in to the dentist until 9 a.m. Thursday. I think I'll be ok til then, but, not much longer than that. We don't have dental insurance, so, this will be interesting. We had planned on doing some dentist stuff in Mexico, but, I'm a bit leary of some of that stuff done there, just in case of a reaction or something... Yesterday was the day we could have added dental onto hubbys insurance, too.............CRAP!
It's a nice snowy, COLD day. I love it, it fits how I feel, too! LOL Hubby came home at noon. They shut the job down. He's in taking a nap now...awwww
I did take a few minutes to meet my friend, Ruthie, for a few minutes. I had another Valentine's giftbag for her. I love spoiling her! And, boy, did she spoil ME today! She filled my bag with some yummy chocolate cherries (primo!), some Valentine's stickers, the sweetest card, AND, a Hoops and Yoyo card---I LOVE those guys! But, the bestest part is she also got me a DVD of 'The Secret Life of Bees'!!!! What a sweetie-pie she is!!! I may curl up with my laptop and watch that later.
I'm out the door for my prescription now. I AM IN MAJOR PAIN...
count your blessings...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Love these colors!

Wednesday, #1 son and I had to go to Globe for 'business'. When I took him back to his place, the sun was just setting over this pond. See the geese? By the time I had driven around it, it was practically covered with duck and geese!
I love it!
Hubby is working again today. I put a big ole pork roast in the crockpot with garlic and carrots. I can smell it already...yummy. He'll be happy when he walks in the door tonight. I'm also making some brownie bites for a little dessert.
I finished up a red shawl for my friend, and forgot to get a picture before I gave it to her, when we met for breakfast on Tuesday. I mailed off the little blue star baby afghan for my cousins new grandson. I also participated in a dishcloth swap. I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my puffy.
The weatherman is telling us to expect rain and/or up to 20" of snow, down to 2500'.
Well, we'll see!
Have a fun day and count your blessings!
What I've been working on...
I've been busy crocheting...and LOVE it!
Here's a few pictures.
...tiny flowers for some cards
...jar toppers

...a new doily project in #20 thread--ugh!

...a little bit of happiness!
Don'tcha love a perfect pie?'s apple. Wonderful with vanilla ice cream!

count your blessings...
Here's a few pictures.
...tiny flowers for some cards

...jar toppers

...a new doily project in #20 thread--ugh!

...a little bit of happiness!
Don'tcha love a perfect pie?'s apple. Wonderful with vanilla ice cream!

count your blessings...
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